Life Stages of Dogs and Hosting Puppy Socialisation Parties



 This module will also focus on running your very own puppy classes, and we will have two half days / one full day where we will work on hosting skills for puppy parties. Yes, these hours will be filled with playing with puppies but we promise it is all in the name of science and education.

Entry Requirements

To enrol on this course you must first successfully complete the Introduction to Professional Dog Care certificate course. You must be somewhat internet and computer savvy, and access to good internet connection is necessary. While there will be no overly difficult technological portions of the course, you will need to log on to your account and view all materials online.


 The information in this course will be delivered in the form of four webinars, four online exams, six hours of classroom based workshops and hosting skills, two complete manuals, two at home written assessments, tutor lead group discussion and two optional Skype / telephone tutorials.


This course runs between March 16th and April 5th




Your tutor on this course will be Nanci Creedon M.Sc. CDBC. Nanci has a degree in Zoology and a master’s degree in Animal Behaviour. She is a certified dog behaviour consultant and also a certified pet dog trainer.  


Attendance at all classroom based sessions is compulsory. You cannot pass this course unless you attend all classroom sessions. If you are unwell you will be required to attend the subsequent course attendance day before receiving your certificate.


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Module 1: Life Stages

Module 2: Puppy Part Hosting

Module 3: Recap and Preparation for Puppy Party.

Module 4: Puppy Party Delivery